
Welcome to Global Capacities

Starting with the prehistoric discovery of how to control fire, humans have developed progressed skills in controlling their environment. With technological developments over the last decades, physical barriers to industrial activities are minimized on a global scale. The challenges ahead are less related to technological capabilities, and more about the availability and efficient use of natural resources.


▃ AGRICULTURE: Feeding our population on limited arable land represents a key challenge going forward. The surface of arable land per capita has decreased more than 50% since 1950. We believe in technologies such as hydroponics and vertical farming as well as genetic engineering of drought-resistant traits to represent major technologies helping to overcome arable land limitations.

▃ WATER: Freshwater is becoming a critical resource, with one in eight people in the world already today not having access to safe water. We believe in technologies that help reducing water consumption, improve drinking water security as well as potable water generating technologies such as atmospheric, desalination and purification technologies.

▃ CLEAN TECH: We believe in the spectrum of technologies to dramatically reduce the use of natural resources, and to cut or eliminate emissions and wastes, enabling progress towards circular economies. Our focus is on technologies that enable operational performance improvements, productivity gains and efficiency improvements while reducing input factors, energy and resources consumption, as well as waste and environmental pollution.

▃ ENERGY: Replacement of conventional fuels and improvement of energy efficiency are central topics in the energy research space. Beyond the spectrum of “conventional renewables” such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass, we believe in a broad range of new energy generating technologies such as thermoelectric, nuclear fusion or artificial photosynthesis.